Managing Director of Kaduna State Development and Property Company (KSDPC) HADIZA YAHAYA HAMZA, explained to Kamaldeen Aliagan what the company is doing for the good citizens of Kaduna state below.
Before now the KSDPC used to issue Certificates of Occupancy (Cs of O), what is the situation on ground now?
Kaduna State Development and Property Company (KSDPC) was established as a limited liability company in 1991 and it is a state-owned enterprise. Our major mandate is real estate development. In the course of doing our business, the company acquired land from the then Ministry of Lands and the process of sub dividing the land followed. And the parcels of land were sub-leased and we then issue the sub-lease documents. No, we don’t issue Certificates of Occupancy.
To get a C of O, the first step is to register with Kaduna State Geographic Information System (KADGIS) with the sub-lease documents. And then you will be issued a Certificate of Occupancy. Legally, under the law, we do not issue C of O.
Can someone secure a bank loan with a KSDPC sublease documents?
KSDPC subleases are valid enough, people have been able to secure loans from banks.
About three years ago, KSDPC issued a directive mandating undeveloped property owners to develop their properties or risk having their lands revoked. What is the level of compliance to this directive?
When I took over the company, I found out that people that haven’t developed their lands had their plots revoked by KSDPC. The lands were given to develop houses and when people didn’t use the land nor develop them, the titles must be revoked. However, the legal revocation process must be duly followed. In respect to that incident, we have received a lot of grievances and litigations from people who claimed they have not been issued any notice. The company is currently reviewing the process of the revocation.
Is KSDPC also into mass housing for residents of Kaduna State?
The sole business of KSDPC is development of real estate which includes mass housing schemes and commercial development. For the past 16 years, KSDPC has been an instrument of development of real estate in Kaduna state. Our impact is visible in some parts of the Kaduna metropolis like Barnawa and Malali low cost area. Though some of these houses were inherited from federal government since the Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) which was held in 1977. But the most recent mass housing projects handled by KSDPC are in the Millennium City layout; we have also extended our tentacles to Zaria, Kafanchan and other parts of the state.
What is the relationship between your company and Kaduna State Mortgage and Foreclosure Authority?
Kaduna Mortgage and Foreclosure Authority’s mandate is to facilitate mortgages and foreclosure when necessary; basically, our relationships border around providing financial backing in form of mortgages to people who intend to buy houses developed by KSDPC.
Some years ago, there was disagreement between KSDPC and some local government areas over revenue, has it been sorted out?
Currently, we don’t have challenges with local governments at the moment; the only issue we had then was with Kaduna South local government over our shops at the Barnawa shopping complex because of the perceived double taxation on the revenue collection from shop tenants. We then deliberated with the local government officials and we reached an understanding.
There was a misunderstanding between KSDPC and some tenants over some houses at Malali low cost. Have you reached some kind of agreement?
The misunderstanding then was about the sales of government owned houses which were managed by KSDPC. The rents derived from the one room apartments was a source of revenue generation. However, the tenants were violating the agreement terms but subletting the apartments. The tenants took the Kaduna State Government and KSDPC to court over that issue and we are awaiting the court resolution soon.
Last year, KSDPC was reorganised when the government sacked some management staff. What is current the organizational structure of KDSPC?
When I assumed office last year August, the company had two divisions, Finance and Operations; they were headed by Directors who were political appointees. So, currently, we don’t have Executive Directors. A consultant and the Bureau of Public Sector Reforms restructured the organogram to fit a 21st century real estate development company. The new structure birthed four new departments which will be headed by General Managers. We are currently in the recruitment process for the new managers, the new departments created are Project, Business Development, Finance and Administration, Property and Land Management.
Credit: Daily Trust

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